Mengapa saya memilih RAMldr karena disini kita akan mendapatkan file dengan format bin,dan dgn format bin akan memudahkan kita untuk pengerjaan lebih lanjut. Karena program2 selanjutnya juga menggunakan format bin dalam pengerjaannya. Contoh HEX editor, PDS Editor, PDS Tool, dsb.
1. Apakah RAMldr ?
- RAMldr adalah program yg bisa mengkopi/menulis sebagian/seluruh memory HP dalam bentuk format bin (binary digit/biner)
2. HP Motorola apakah yg disupport dgn program ini?
- Berfungsi dgn sangat baik dengan tipe: C380,C659,V180,V220,E398,V3,V300,V500,V600,V525,V3 03,V400 (triplets family)
- Bootloader yg disupport adalah sampai dgn versi 07.D0
3. Apakah "Backup" itu? Dan kenapa kita membutuhkannya?
- Backup adalah cara terbaik untuk menjaga HP kita dari kejadian yg tdk diinginkan,misalkan ada kegagalan disaat proses flashing,modifikasi software yg gagal,atau bahkan HP mati karena salah flashing/modif.
Full Backup disini adalah file dgn format bin.
3.1 (Utk zona memory HP 32mb flash chip addressnya adalah 10000000-12000000) Seri E398,V3,Triplets dsb
3.2 (Utk zona memory HP 16mb flash chip addressnya adalah 10000000-11000000) Seri C650,C380 dsb
3.3 Full Backup mengandung semua dump memory,seperti:
- Flash -> adalah bagian dimana tersimpan semua driver2,konfigurasi hardware pd HP.
- Flex -> adalah bagian dimana tersimpan Sistem Operasi,pengaturan menu,sms,mms,phonebook pd HP.
- Langpack -> adalah bagian dimana tersimpan Packing Bahasa dan font bahasa pd HP.
- DRM -> adalah bagian dimana tersimpan simbol2 sinyal,batt,bluetooth dan semua simbol lainnya pd HP.
- PDS -> adalah bagian dimana tersimpan sistem OTP (one Time Program) yg merupakan kode unik mengenai semua identitas Hp,seperti imei,Software Version,hardware version,kode subsidy,informasi kompatibilitas relash,security dsb.
Hanya ada satu PDS utk satu unit HP,tiap HP memilik PDS yg berbeda-beda.
- Seems -> adalah bagian dimana tersimpan semua konfigurasi enabling/disabling menu, dan jg mengatur sistem menu tersembunyi pd HP.
4. Apakah sebenarnya PDS itu? Dan kenapa kita harus membackupnya secara terpisah?
- Sudah dijelaskan di poin 3.3
- PDS di dlm HP Motorola sangat vital,jangan pernah memasukan PDS HP lain selain HP anda sendiri,begitu pula sebaliknya.
PDS backup terdapat di address 10010000-10020000 (cut end address empty bytes 1001FFFF)
5. Apakah itu ldr.bin? apa bedanya dgn ldr_all.bin,ldr_boot.bin,ldr_pds.bin?
- ldr.bin adalah ramloader itu sendiri,me"load" ramloader berfungsi agar program dapat mengenali flash chip pd HP.
Sehingga apabila kita ingin melakukan sesuatu pd HP dengan program RAMldr,kita harus me"load" ramloader terlebih dahulu dengan mengklik "Send RamLoader"
Semua ldr?????.bin disini mengandung ramloader
(space address 03FD0000-03FD0010,terdpt pd program setiap kali kita menjalankan RAMldr)
5.1 ldr.bin mengandung informasi tentang zona memory HP yg mana/apa yg akan kita hapus apabila kita klik "Erase"
"Base Address" dan "Entry Address" di dalam RAMldr adalah zona memory yg berfungsi apabila kita ingin menulis file bin dengan mengklik tombol "Send Binary".
Anda tidak bisa menggunakan fungsi "Send Ramldr" dua kali atau lebih dalam setiap satu kali HP booting. Apabila anda ingin me"load" ldr.bin yg lain,anda harus me"restart" HP anda terlebih dahulu.
Untuk menulis sesuatu pd zona memory HP,maka anda harus menghapusnya terlebih dahulu.
5.2 ldr_all.bin apabila difungsikan dgn mengklik "erase" akan menghapus seluruh memory HP.
ldr_boot.bin hanya akan menghapus zona memory bootloadernya saja,sedangkan ldr_pds.bin akan menghapus zona memory PDSnya saja.
Bagaimana caranya menggunakan RAMldr?
Misal seri HP E398
6. Cara membuat Full Backup
a. Jalankan RAMldr
b. Sambung kabel data ke HP
c. Hidupkan HP dlm kondisi flash mode (* + # + power on)
d. Tunggu sampai terlihat status connected (RAMldr otomatis merubah mode HP menjadi mode bootloader/mode flash)
e. Lihat jarak address 03FD0000-03FD0010 (default programnya) tidak ada yg perlu diubah saat ini. Lalu klik "send ramldr" pilih ldr.bin trus OK
Perhatikan log-nya:
f. Ketik "10000000" dibox "base addr" lalu "12000000" dibox "entry addr" ini berarti kita akan membackup 32mb memory,apabila ingin membackup 16mb memory tinggal diganti box "entry addr" menjadi "11000000". Kemudian klik "Save Mem"
g. Tunggu dan perhatikan log-nya
Apabila string pertama bertuliskan "DUMP10000000 ok" dan yg terakhir "DUMP11FF0000 ok" dengan ukuran 33.554.432 bytes pas,tdk lebih tdk kurang.
Berarti anda telah sukses membuat Full Backup HP anda,simpan baik2 filenya.
h.Terakhir restart HP anda.
7. Cara membuat PDS Backup
a. Lakukan poin 6 dr a s/d e
b. Ketik "10010000" di box "base addr",dan "10020000" dibox "entry addr" lalu klik "Save Mem"
c. Perhatikan log-nya:
DUMP10010000 ok
Hanya satu string yg akan muncul,lihat Instalasi folder Program RAMldr (atau Desktop anda) akan terbentuk file 10010000 file dgn ukuran 65.536 bytes,rename file dgn ekstensi *.bin. Simpan file ditempat yg aman.
d. klik "restart" dan cabut kabel
f. Anda telah sukses membuat PDS Backup
Bagamana caranya me"restore" file backup anda ke HP?
8. Cara mengembalikan Full Backup ke HP anda
a. Lakukan poin 6 dr a s/d d
b. Klik "send ramldr" lalu pilih file ldr_all.bin
c. perhatikan log-nya:
Kalau tdk terlihat "ACKJUMP,03FD0010" berarti HP anda sudah terhapus karena sesuatu hal,tp tidak apa2,masih bisa dilanjut.
d. Klik "erase" tunggu sampai muncul string "ACK Erase" di log-nya (kisaran waktu antara 3-6 menit). Selama proses erasing tdk terlihat apapun di dlm log.
e. Ketik "10000000" dibox "base addr",lalu klik "send binary" pilih file yg anda backup tadi. Lalu perhatkan log-nya:
Uploading binary data
ADDR 1000000081
f. Tunggu sampai muncul string "ADDR 11FE0000AD"
g. Klik "Restart" lalu cabut kabel.
h. Anda telah sukses mengembalikan full backup file ke HP
9. Cara mengembalikan PDS Backup ke HP anda
a. Lakukan poin 6 dr a s/d d
b. Klik "send ramldr" lalu pilih ldr_pds.bin
c. Perhatikan log-nya:
Berarti proses OK
d. Klik "erase" RAMldr akan menghapus zona memory PDSnya saja. Dan akan terlihat string "ACK Erase" di log-nya.
e. Ketik "10010000" dibox "base addr" lalu klik "send binary",pilih file PDS backup anda tadi.
f. Tunggu sampai muncul string "ADDR 1001000082"
g. Klik "restart" lalu cabut kabel
h. Anda telah sukses mengembalikan PDS backup ke HP
1. Selalu bekerja dengan battere terisi dengan penuh
2. Perhatikan selalu status "connected" pd program
3. Jangan pernah melakukan proses backup dengan meng"klik" "erase" terlebih dahulu
4. Cek selalu file backup anda dgn Text Editor sederhana yg support Unicode seperti NotePad atau WordPad,perhatikan disitu kalau ada tulisan "err err err",berarti file anda corrupt/tdk valid. Hapus file dan mulailah ulang proses backup
5. Pada proses Restore (mengembalikan file backup anda) yg terpenting adalah "base addr"
original posted By. @r!3
Minggu, 23 November 2008
Sedikit pengertian dan Tutorial penggunaan RAMldr
Kamis, 20 November 2008
Recovery with dead flash
Sometimes our Motorola E398 dies in a very bad way - nothing helps. This can happen if you end up with damaged flash memory, where the firmware and all program memory are stored
After such crash in practice nothing can help at all - no forceboot, no testpoint, no existing known recovery method! And here comes one method, which can probably still be able to revive your phone, even with dead flash memory. We already have one successful revival using that..
- Ramldr shows errors like ERR Г
- MFF and PST cannot flash, they show errors.
We need the following:
- Phone corpse
- Full backup of the phone firmware
- Charged battery or at least USB charger
- Ramldr by Vilko
- Loader for Ramldr (ldr_*.bin)
- Hex editor (like XVI32)
- Good understanding and following the procedure below
What to do:
0. Test Point (it is not required)
1. Search for the broken cells
2. Making backup in peaces
3. Final stage of recovery
3a. Making our own ldr_part*.bin
3b. Recovery and obtaining working phone
0. Test point is alraedy discussed in the revival and survival. It is not required anyway.
1. Get ldr_*.bin, open it with Hex editor, "jump" (в XVI32 - [Ctrl]+[G]) to address F8 (that is the start of the flash memory), put value 10 00 00 00 (4 bytes)
Jump to address FC and put value 12 00 00 00
Save the file.
Connect the phone, go to bootloader and in ramldr click on send ramldr -> choose our new updated ldr_*.bin
When you see err: divide the region of the memory (10 00 00 00 - 12 00 00 00) in two equal length pieces and change the ldr_*.bin with the new values. Here is the example:
Region: 10 00 00 00 - 12 00 00 00
1 Piece: 10 00 00 00 - 10 FF FF FF
2 Piece: 11 00 00 00 - 12 00 00 00
And thus, it is possible to find the "broken addresses". It may be necessary to divide erroneous region to in half and pass regions many times..
From the phone with broken memory that we mentioned the region was: 10 F3 FF FF - 10 F6 00 00
2. As soon as we found the bad memory now it is time to make the backup
Hint: address 10 00 00 00 in the phone is addres 00 00 00 00 in the backup
Here is how you can do it:
Part 1 - from address 00 00 00 00 to the start address of the broken memory we will call it part1.bin
Part 2 - From the end address of the broken memory to address 02 00 00 00 (which is 12 00 00 00 in phone memory),
we will call it part2.bin
Hint: use the windows calculator to calculate the addresses in the "Scientific Mode" using Hex type
3. 3a. Now it is time for recovery. Prepare your ldr_*.bin files:
* They can be more in case you have more than 1 erroneous memory part
We need to change addresses now:
1). In ldr_part1.bin on address F8 write 10 00 00 00, and on address FC - the start address of erroneous memory part
2). In ldr_part2.bin on address F8 write the start address of the erroneous memory part and on FC write 12 00 00 00
3b. Start ramldr, connect our corpse and load it in bootloader mode, use "Send Ramldr" and choose ldr_part1.bin. Now choose "erase", you will see ACK ERASE, and select "base addr" as "10000000". Choose "send binary"
and send part1.bin. Restart the phone (you may need to remove the battery and start back in bootloader using the 4 and 5 pin method)
Do exactly the same with ldr_part2.bin/part2.bin.
Now it is the tricky part - if the bad memory block is not critical for the phone system - your phone will work! Unfortunately if it is - it is time for you to buy a new phone :)
Rabu, 19 November 2008
Beda Cowok Ganteng Ama cowok jelex
Kalo cowok ganteng pendiam orang jelek...
cewek2 bilang: woow, cool banget...
kalo cowok jelek pendiam
cewek2 bilang: ih kuper...
kalo cowok ganteng jomblo
cewek2 bilang: pasti dia perfeksionis
kalo cowok jelek jomblo
cewek2 bilang: sudah jelas...kagak laku...
kalo cowok ganteng berbuat jahat
cewek2 bilang: nobody's perfect
kalo cowok jelek berbuat jahat
cewek2 bilang: pantes...tampangnya
kalo cowok ganteng nolongin cewe yang
diganggu preman
cewek2 bilang: wuih jantan...kayak di filem2
kalo cowok jelek nolongin cewe yang
cewek2 bilang: pasti premannya temennya
kalo cowok ganteng dapet cewek cantik
cewek2 bilang: klop...serasi banget...
kalo cowok jelek dapet cewek cantik
cewek2 bilang: pasti main dukun...
kalo cowok ganteng diputusin cewek
cewek2 bilang: jangan sedih, khan masih
kalo cowok jelek diputusin cewek
cewek2 bilang:...(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya
meliuk-liuk dari atas ke
kalo cowok ganteng ngaku bule
cewek2 bilang: emang mirip-mirip bule sih...
kalo cowok jelek ngaku bule
cewek2 bilang: blasteran bajaj ma bemo kali ya??
kalo cowok ganteng penyayang binatang
cewek2 bilang: perasaannya halus...penuh
cinta kasih
kalo cowok jelek penyayang binatang
cewek2 bilang: sesama keluarga emang
harus menyayangi....
kalo cowok ganteng bawa BMW
cewek2 bilang: matching...keren luar dalem
kalo cowok jelek bawa BMW
cewek2 bilang: mas majikannya mana?...
kalo cowok ganteng males difoto
cewek2 bilang: pasti takut fotonya kesebar-
kalo cowok jelek males difoto
cewek2 bilang: nggak tega ngeliat hasil
kalo cowok ganteng naek motor gede
cewek2 bilang: wah kayak lorenzo
kalo cowok jelek naek motor gede
cewek2 bilang: awas!! mandragade lewat...
kalo cowok ganteng nuangin air ke gelas
cewek2 bilang: ini baru cowok gentlemen
kalo cowok jelek nuangin air ke gelas cewek
cewek2 bilang: naluri pembantu, emang
kalo cowok ganteng bersedih hati
cewek2 bilang: let me be your shoulder to cry
kalo cowok2 jelek bersedih hati
cewek2 bilang: cengeng amat!!...laki-laki
Kalo cowok ganteng baca e-mail ini
langsung ngaca sambil senyum2 kecil, lalu
"life is beautifull"
kalo cowok jelek baca e-mail ini,
Frustasi, ngambil tali jemuran, trus triak
Tips untuk anda yang merasa jelek:
(jadi cakep kalo udah ganti kulit)
Perbaiki inner beauty anda, itu kalau anda
merasa sisi
luar anda udah ancur
gak ketolong lagi...
(suka bapaknya, suka juga sama anaknya)
jangan salahkan diri anda kalau anda jelek,
salahkanlah orangtua anda, karena
jelek itu keturunan...
(yang bener boleh keluar)
kalo orang lain menilai anda jelek, jangan
penilaian manusia tidak
selalu benar...
(jangan menghukum buku karena dia
meninggalkan koper)
Jangan putus asa, tidak semua orang
dari fisiknya...
(orang yg tepat, salah tempat...)
cakep jelek itu lingkungan, misalnya anda di
jelek, tetapi di afrika
sana anda bisa paling ganteng.....
(pacarilah orang buta)
cinta tidak memandang cakep atau
tanyakan hal ini sama
Selasa, 18 November 2008
tutorial for reviving the motorola phone
This is tutorial by tata78..
This is my first tutorial. I hope it will help someone.
1. aze2learn_ramldr_special_repair_kit (Download from the attachment)
2. 42R for all (full flash not CG7 only)
3. T5 screwdriver
4. metal paperclip
5. MFF (MultiFlashFlex tool, a part of Motorola PST) (warez,search on google)
Run ramldr connect your phone to PC if ramldr recognize your phone, you will see at bottom left corner connected then you do these steps
1) Click 'send ramldr' and choose 'ldr_all.bin'
2) click erase button and wait for ACK ERASE (nothing will be shown about 3-5 minutes) .. be patience
3) once you see ACK ERASE .. change base addr 10000000 and click send binary. Choose '20000only.bin' file and wait about 2-3 minutes after that you must have bootloader 07.D0 on the screen
4) Now you run MFF and flash phone with 42R for all FULL FLASH. (I tried with flashbackup it did not work)
After that flash any MP you want
If ramldr dont recognize your phone or you cant get ACK ERASE , you getting error or "10" you must do test point.First you must prepare everything for TP. I will not explain how to do there are lots of great tutorial and pictures about that.
1)run ramldr
2) connect your phone with PC (phone must be deassembled without batery)
3) short testpoint pin (I used metal paper clip)
4) put the batery on and watch if ramldr shows connected, if dont remove batery and try again until you get CONNECTED
5) once you get connected you do everything in this order
1) Click 'send ramldr' and choose 'ldr_all.bin'
2) click erase button and wait for ACK ERASE (nothing will be shown about 3-5 minutes) .. be patience
3) once you see ACK ERASE .. change base addr 10000000 and click send binary. Choose '20000only.bin' file and wait about 2-3 minutes after that you must have bootloader 07.D0 on the screen
4) Now you run MFF and flash phone with 42R for all FULL FLASH. (I tried with flashbackup it did not work)
After that flash any MP you want.
The point is to get ACK ERASE, you must doing TP until you get ACK ERASE.
Thanks to aze2learn and avatar_43 who helped me when my rokr was dead.
I hope this will help, that way I revive my ROKR!
E398/E1 Survival and revival
Backing Up Your Phone Often
The best thing you can do to keep your phone alive is to back it up regulalry. You can use either Ramldr or FlashBackup. Either way it is an absolute must!
Using Ramldr
First off, load up Ramldr, make sure you have the associated 'ldr.bin' and if you wish to make a PDS backup the 'ldr_pds.bin'.
Next boot up your phone in bootloader. Do this by holding down *+# then pressing the power on button. If you are having trouble getting into bootloader then see 'Forcing Your Phone into Bootloader' later on in this guide....the chances are you will already have a dead phone if you need to do that However, one other method of bootloading is by taking the battery out, holding down *+# then inserting the battery.
Now onto making the backup...
First off, connect the phone so you see 'connected' in the bottom left of the ramldr window. Next type '03FD0000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '03FD0010' into the 'Entry Addr' field. Next hit 'Send RamLdr'. You should see the following in the log:
You need to see the exact thing, not anything else, if you do not see the bottom line then your phone's rom is already erased, which means there is nothing to dump! In this case see the 'Restoring Backups with Ramldr' in the next section. Anyway if you do see the above carry on...
To backup your phone type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and '12000000' in the 'Entry Addr' field then hit 'Save Mem'. Now watch the log, the first thing you should see is 'DUMP10000000 ok' and the last thing you should see is 'DUMP 11FF0000 ok'. Next chack the folder where 'ldr.bin' is and check for a file called '10000000', it's size should be 33 554 432 bytes, not more, not less. Next make a backup copy of this so that you always have a backup of your phone
Now press restart and disconnect your phone. Technically you can now do anything to your phone except change the bootloader to an unsupported bootloader
If you wish to make a PDS backup (especially usefull for converting to ROKR) then follow these steps:
First off, connect the phone so you see 'connected' in the bottom left of the ramldr window. Next type '03FD0000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '03FD0010' into the 'Entry Addr' field. Next hit 'Send RamLdr'. You should see the following in the log:
You need to see the exact thing, not anything else, if you do not see the bottom line then your phone's rom is already erased, which means there is nothing to dump! In this case see the 'Restoring Backups with Ramldr' in the next section. Anyway if you do see the above carry on...To backup your phone type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and '12000000' in the 'Entry Addr' field then hit 'Save Mem'. Now watch the log, the first thing you should see is 'DUMP10000000 ok' and the last thing you should see is 'DUMP 11FF0000 ok'. Next chack the folder where 'ldr.bin' is and check for a file called '10000000', it's size should be 33 554 432 bytes, not more, not less. Next make a backup copy of this so that you always have a backup of your phone Now press restart and disconnect your phone. Technically you can now do anything to your phone except change the bootloader to an unsupported bootloader If you wish to make a PDS backup (especially usefull for converting to ROKR) then follow these steps:First off, connect the phone so you see 'connected' in the bottom left of the ramldr window. Next type '03FD0000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '03FD0010' into the 'Entry Addr' field. Next hit 'Send RamLdr'. You should see the following in the log:ADDR‑03FD0000AD
You need to see the exact thing, not anything else, if you do not see the bottom line then your phone's rom is already erased, which means there is nothing to dump! In this case see the 'Restoring Backups with Ramldr' in the next section. Anyway if you do see the above carry on...
Type '10010000' into the 'Base Addr' field and '10020000' into the 'Entry Addr' field, then press 'Save Mem'. In the log, you should see 'DUMP 10010000 ok'. That is all you wil see for a PDS backup. Next do the same as before, check the 'ldr_pds.bin' folder for a file named '10010000' with a size of 65 536 bytes, and once again backup your backup to a safe place
Now you're all done!
Restoring Backups with Ramldr
Ok, so you've killed your phone and you want it back.... Well here is how...
Start up Ramldr and connect the phone. If your phone has already been erased then you will see 'connected' anyway, next try to start up the phone in flash mode. If you cannot, and you still see 'Connected' then carry on, but you may need to force the phone into bootloader (later on in this guide). Hit 'Send Ramldr' and choose 'ldr_all.bin' and make sure the log says:
So far you are doing ok... Next hit 'Erase' and wait for the log to say 'ACK Erase', you will have to wait between 4-6 minutes for this. However, if you restart the phone after '4.', your phone will reboot in blank flash mode. When this happens you can restore your binary backup (made earlier on), the only thing is you will not see 'ACK Erase' in the log, but this is ok.
When the phone has rebooted, type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', then select your previously made backup. Now watch the should see...
uploading binary data
ADDR 1000000081
Now wait until it says 'ADDR 11FE0000AD' press restart and yippeee! Your phone is alive again!
Restoring your PDS backup
Another way of reviving your phone is by restoring someone else's full backup, HOWEVER, you must have your own PDS backup to do this, otherwise you will have a phone that will oly ever boot in flash mode!
So lets say you have loaded someone else's backup onto your phone at this point (see restoring backups with ramldr), you now need to resotre your own pds. To do this run Ramldr and connect the phone in ramldr. Hit 'Send Ramldr' and choose 'ldr_pds.bin' and then watch the log...
So far so good... Now press erase and ramldr will erase only the current pds zone of the phone (10010000 - 10020000). You will then see 'ACK Erase' in the log. Now you need to type '10010000' into the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', you will see the following in the log...
ADDR 1001000082
Since this is a PDS restore that is all you will see, now hit 'Restart' and unplug the cable, you now have a working phone!
So far you are doing ok... Next hit 'Erase' and wait for the log to say 'ACK Erase', you will have to wait between 4-6 minutes for this. However, if you restart the phone after '4.', your phone will reboot in blank flash mode. When this happens you can restore your binary backup (made earlier on), the only thing is you will not see 'ACK Erase' in the log, but this is ok.When the phone has rebooted, type '10000000' in the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', then select your previously made backup. Now watch the should see...uploading binary dataADDR 1000000081Now wait until it says 'ADDR 11FE0000AD' press restart and yippeee! Your phone is alive again!Another way of reviving your phone is by restoring someone else's full backup, HOWEVER, you must have your own PDS backup to do this, otherwise you will have a phone that will oly ever boot in flash mode!So lets say you have loaded someone else's backup onto your phone at this point (see restoring backups with ramldr), you now need to resotre your own pds. To do this run Ramldr and connect the phone in ramldr. Hit 'Send Ramldr' and choose 'ldr_pds.bin' and then watch the log...ADDR 03FD0000ADJUMP 03FD0010AEACK JUMP,03FD0010So far so good... Now press erase and ramldr will erase only the current pds zone of the phone (10010000 - 10020000). You will then see 'ACK Erase' in the log. Now you need to type '10010000' into the 'Base Addr' field and hit 'Send Binary', you will see the following in the log...ADDR 1001000082Since this is a PDS restore that is all you will see, now hit 'Restart' and unplug the cable, you now have a working phone!
NOTE: Only EVER restore your own pds to your phone...never someone else's....if you do not have a pds backup see 'Creating a PDS' later on in this guide.
A couple of things to remember...
1. Always make sure your battery is fully charged, unless you have a cable with a power socket.
2. Never start a backup with Erase
3. You only need 'Base Addr' when restoring a backup
4. Enjoy your phone!
Thanks to Your_Moto_Saver for the great guide, all of this info came from him, i just reworded it a bit...THANKS MAN!
Backing up your phone with FlashBackup 2.3 and above (A bit easier!)
Load up FlashBackup and hit the 'Setup' tab.
Choose your language and hit the '...' button and choose where you want your backup to be saved. Next hit the back up button along the top and you'll see a couple of combo boxes and buttons.
Under 'Backup Mode' Make sure 'Full Backup' is selected, and under 'Phone Memory size' select '32 MB'
Now connect your phone and start in bootloader mode (*+#+power) and wait for FlashBackup to say 'Phone is Connected' in green in the bottom left. Now you are ready to go, hit 'Create' and a small message box with a progress bar will pop up and say sending loader to phone, creating backup and then compressing backup, the phone will then be shutdown and your backup will be in the folder that you specified in the setup tab.
It is also advised that you make a PDS backup. Do this by selecting PDS Backup rather than Full backup and follow the same procedure as before (Basically hitting start!!) and wait for it to complete, it should take much less time than a Full Backup.
NOW you are ready to mod!!
Restoring backups using FlashBackup
Load up FlashBackup and in the setup tab hit the '...' button and select the directory where you backup is. Next connnect your phone in bootloader.
Now hit the 'Backups' tab. Under 'Restore Backups' select 'Backup From Your Phone' and then hit the '...' button and select the backup you wish to use, then hit 'Restore' The same window as when you are backup up will appear, it will first say 'Sending Loader, Erasing memory (This process doesn't show) then finally Restoring Backup. Your phone will then be shut down, then woohoo your phone is alive!
EDIT: I have found that if the phone can be recognised whilst dead, even with out bootloader, so long as FB says connected then try to restore a backup. It may warn you about not being able to send loader, continue anyway and it should restore the backup! (Only tested with FB 2.5)
Restoring PDS Using FlashBackup
Load up FlashBackup and connect the phone in Flash Mode, next hit 'Setup' and choose the directory where your PDS Backup is. Now hit 'Backups' choose 'PDS Backup' from 'Backup Mode' then choose your PDS backup under 'Restore Backups' and hit 'Restore'. Your phone will have the PDS restored and will the nbe shut down.
SUCCESS! You have an alive E398. As you can see, this is a much easier way of backing up/restoring you phone, i have found it just as reliable in my experience.
Forcing Your Phone into Bootloader
If you have killed your phone and you can't get it into bootloader, can't erase with ramldr etc you are probably thinking that it is paperweight forever. Well, don't panic there are still a couple of methods to get it back!
First off all remove the battery from your phone. Look at the P2K Connector on the bottom of the phone. Count 4 pins across from the right and then use a piece of bent wiire/needle/whatever! to short pins 4+5 from the right, then insert the battery
This will force your phone into bootloader, it is supposed to work with BL 07.D0 and below, i have personally tested 07.D0 and 07.E0. If you look in Muncheno's sig and goto to his esnips account, he has made a video showing you how to use this method (Thanks Man!)
Once your phone is in bootloader you can restore a backup / flash the phone. You may need to try shorting the pins a couple of times cos you don't always get it right!
How to create a new PDS
Right, so you've killed you phone AND lost your PDS backup....erm...what next? Well goto MotLab and download Moto Repair Studio Demo. Next load up MRS and choose E398 from the drop down box and connect the phone, then hit Repair. (Warning: This will erase your phone's rom without warning!)
Now follow the steps and have your pds recreated! Then boot up in bootloader and re-flash your phone.
The only side-effect of this is that your bluetooth address will be reset to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, in this case you will not be able to use bluetooth. When this happens follow abomination's guide here:
Ab's Guide to fixing Bluetooth (Cheers dude!)
If you cannot create your PDS goto the following URL for more detailed instructions on this method and another way to create a PDS.
PDS Creation
Right, you should now have an alive phone. If the answer to this is still no, then you may have to perfrom the testpoint method on your phone
How do I flash my motorola phone
1. Check your Bootloader version by holding down # and * when you power the phone on
2. You must ensure that under Boot Loader you have 07.D0. If you have something else, DO NOT PROCEED
3. Make sure your phone is in Data/Fax mode under USB settings
4. Find the directory where Motorola PST is installed and run MultiFlashFlex.exe
5. Under preferences check the first two boxes
6. Under Enable Flash check the box and select the shx file of the Monster Pack that you will flash
7. Make sure under Enable Flex nothing is selected
8. Start your phone in bootloader mode, this is done by holding down the star * and hash # keys while powering on
9. Plug your phone in and wait for it to appear in the list (it may appear as S FLASH NEPTUNE LTE)
10. Press start!
Note: This guide is for already modded to 373 version phones! All 372 (stock firmware phones) need to flash 42_for_all MP first and then the MP that they want.
How do I backup my phone
You MUST backup EVERYTHING ON YOUR PHONE FIRST. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP FOR ANY REASON. To get started, turn your phone off and take your TransFlash card out if you have one. You have to remove the battery and take it out the same way you would remove your SIM card. You can leave your SIM card in if you wish, it makes no difference.
Backing up images/ringtones/video:
Turn your phone on, and make sure under "USB settings" that "data/fax connection" is selected NOT "memory card". The location of USB settings varies depends on firmware, it may be under settings or under the connections menu.
If you don't have a USB settings menu just ignore that step, the phone should default to data/fax
Run P2KTools, and plug your phone in.
Make sure the large button on the top left is set to P2K mode NOT AT mode.
Windows should detect the phone in normal (AT mode) then switch it to P2K mode automatically for you. This might take 30 seconds or so to do.
Once this has been done you can "connected"
Hit the refresh button to gain a list of files.
Browse to /c/mobile
Inside the folder here you will find any saved pictures/audio, selected the ones you want to save and hit the Download button
Backing up your websessions file
You will want to make a backup of this if you have setup WAP/GPRS from your provider, otherwise you will need to contact them to retrieve your settings.
Using the method above, browse to /a/ and find the file Websession (no extensions)
Download it somewhere you wont forget
Backing up your contacts
If you have any contacts stored on your phone, you will want to back these up first. Any stored on your SIM card will be untouched by the flashing procedure. Note that P2KTools sometimes gets confused when you have multiple entries with the same name (but different number types). If you want to be 100% sure you wont lose your phonebook make a hard copy of the numbers on paper.
Disconnect your phone if plugged in
Open P2KTools and switch to AT mode
Wait until you see "connected" in the bottom left
Switch to PhoneBook and hit Read
Hit Backup and save the .csv somewhere
Backing up your SMS Messages
Using the same method as above, open P2KTools in AT Mode
Hit the SMS button and select the message you want to save
Save the .txt file somewhere
Backing up your current phone firmware
Disconnect your phone from your computer if it's plugged in
Ensure your phone is set to Data/Fax under USB settings if you have this option
Run FlashBackup
In the setup tab, choose a folder to store your backups in
Go to the Backups tab, choose Full Backup and 32MB
Plug your phone into USB port and wait until you see Connected on the bottom left
Press create, and wait for the process to complete, which may take 10-30 minutes.
If you get asked for drivers at any stage here, tell Windows to search for drivers in the directory you have installed Motorola PST to.
At this point the screen on your phone may have garbled text or lines down it. Don't worry, this is normal and will fix itself when you restart the phone.
Wait until FlashBackup has done it's magic and compressed the backup
Browse to the folder you selected earlier
Find the .fbp that was created. Also there may be a .dsc file
Copy these files somewhere as a backup, along with anything else you have already backed up (phone book, pictures etc), maybe burn them to a CD, upload them to the web or store them on a USB flash drive. Just don't lose them!
Now, repeat the process as above but choose PDS Backup
Again, repeat the process but choose Bootloader Backup
E398 Dead...Try This Tips
Peralatan Yg perlu disiapin :
2.Pisau pemotong flat..bisa juga pake blower
3.Kabel Data
Software yg dibutuhkan :
1). MotorolaFlashFlex, SmartMoto, Flashbackup,atau RAMLDR.
2). Sebuah *.Shx file yg berisi BootLoader 07.D0. atau bisa juga pake file ini "R372_G_0E.20.26R_BL07BO_flash." >>File ini cuma untuk bootloader, bukan PDS...
3). File backup asli kalo punya..ato firmware original,jangan guna file backup dari hp lain karena pds nya kadang beda.
Step by step prosedur
1). Buka Handphone..
2). Perhatikan gambar diatas..Buka dan angkat dgn hati2 cover penutup dgn menggunakan pisau atau blower
3). Jalankan MutyFlashFlex atau SmartMoto
4). Sambungkan hp dan pc menggunakan kabel data.
5). Masukan batrai ( bagusnya sih pake psu )..kita perlu arus untuk membuat short pada titik tespoint.
6). Short kan pin atau pointed seperti yg tampak pada gambar diatas, bisa menggunakan obeng atau flat tipis.( yg penting bisa untuk membuat short) jangan lama2 ngeshort nya yg penting udah terdetek dil MultyFlashFlex sebagi S BLANK NEPUTE LTE. lalu lepas
7). Sekarang kembali ke progrsm MFF atau SmartMoto. Browse *.SHX file yang berisi file Bootloader.kemudiaan lakukan flashing...ingat batrai jgn sampaii lepas lho selama proses flashing.Tunggu hingga proses selesai.
8). Kalo proses flashing udah selesai atau no phone connected..silahkan lepas batrai..dan masukan kembalin.
9). Tekan # + * + on. sampai muncul Bootloader.
10). Jika sampai step 9 Bootloader nya ga nongol ulangi lagi dari awal.tapi dgn file *.SHX yg lainyg ada file Bootloader nya.
11). Restore kembali file backup kalo punya.lalu lakukan flashing seperti biasa dgn file yg kita suka...
12). Sampai disni sebenarnya udah hidup kembali e398 nya
Maaf kalo kurang jelas maklum masih nubie juga.
Tipe Laki-laki dilihat dari Cara Pipisnya
Lelaki Pemalu:
Jika merasa dilihat atau dilirik orang lain, pipisnya tidak keluar, tapi pura-pura menyiram, keluar, lalu kembali lagi kemudian.
Lelaki Malu-maluin:
Pipis di celana.
Lelaki Suka Melamun:
Membuka kancing leher kemeja, mengeluarkan dasinya, lalu pipis di celana.
Lelaki Efisien:
Meskipun sudah waktunya pipis, tapi ditahan dulu sampai kebelet buang air besar, baru kemudian melakukan keduanya dalam satu waktu yang sama.
Lelaki Pemabuk:
Jempol kiri dipegang dengan tangan kanan, lalu pipis di celana.
Lelaki Palsu:
Pipis di toilet cewek !
Lelaki Pelit:
Kalau buang air besar di WC Umum, ngakunya pipis (biar bayar murah).
Lelaki Edan:
Makai celana yang abis dipipisin.
Lelaki Sarap:
Pakai celana yang habis dipipisin, tapi dicium dulu, kali-kali aja baunya sudah jadi bau.
Lelaki Kreatif:
Kalau pipis kakinya diangkat satu…
Lelaki Irit:
Kagak pernah pipis seumur-umur.
Lelaki Nekad:
Suka “mipisin” isteri tetangga.
Lelaki Funky:
Pipis di tempat umum.
Lelaki Sial:
Maunya pipis air, yang keluar malah batu.
Lelaki Enjoy:
Pipis sambil merem-melek.
Lelaki Hemat Waktu:
Cuma buka resleting, dikeluarin, terus langsung pipis.
Lelaki Moody:
Biasa pake pampers… hehehe…
Lelaki Kurang Ajar:
Lagi pipis… eh kentut… pura-pura cuek lagi!
Lelaki Buta Huruf:
Di urinoir sudah ada tulisan “RUSAK” … eh… masih dipipisin juga.
Lelaki Turunan Kucing:
Nggak bisa liat barang baru, diendus-endus, terus dipipisin.
Lelaki Sabar:
Nungguin air cebok gak keluar-keluar, manteeeng aja di urinoir.
Lelaki Hip-hop:
Pipis sambil kejang-kejang breakdance.
Lelaki Pembenci:
Sesudah pipis trus ngeludahin pipisnya.
Lelaki Ramah:
Ngajak ngobrol sambil pipis, sampe temennya nggak bisa pipis.
Lelaki Percaya Diri:
Habis pipis, anunya dibawa jalan-jalan ke wastafel, trus cebok di wastafel.
Lelaki Pelupa:
Sudah pipis, keluar toilet, buru- buru balik lagi, karena masih pingin pipis beberapa tetes lagi.
Lelaki Dermawan:
Pipis di WC Umum, pipisnya nggak keluar, tapi tetep bayar.
Lelaki Gaya:
Pipisnya sambil tangan yang satu tolak pinggang.
Lelaki Arogan:
Pipisnya sambil tangan dua-duanya tolak pinggang.
Lelaki Komunikatif:
Pipis sambil ketik SMS.
Lelaki Sibuk:
Selalu nunggu sampe kebelet bangeeet …, terus terbirit-birit ke toilet.
Lelaki Belum Dewasa:
Pipisnya belum bisa lempeng.
Lelaki Romantis:
Pipisnya sambil mendesah ahh…
Lelaki enggak ada kerjaan:
Pipis sambil baca email.
Lelaki Cuek:
Abis pipis, risleting nggak ditutup, celana nggak di kancing.
Lelaki Cool:
Pipis di kulkas.
Lelaki Licik:
Pipis di dalam kolam renang.
Lelaki Berani:
Pipisin kolam renang Dr atas pinggir kolam.
Lelaki Hangat:
Pipis deket kompor.
Lelaki Buaya:
Pipis sambil tengkurep.
Lelaki Hati-hati:
Pipisnya dikeluarin pelan-pelan (takut bunyi).
Lelaki Tukang Nyontek:
Kalo pipis di toilet umum, suka liatin punya tetangga sebelahnya.
Lelaki Sia-sia:
Pas kebelet pipis, buru-buru lari ke toilet, belum sempet buka celana udah pipis di celana duluan
Lelaki Percaya Diri:
Kalo pipis kepalanya tegak, sambil liat ke depan.
Lelaki Penghibur:
Kalo pipis sambil bersiul ato menyanyi.
Lelaki Ilmuwan:
Tiap kali pipis, sebagian pipisnya selalu disisihkan sbg sampel utk diteliti.
Lelaki Sensitif:
Baru minum sedikit udah kebelet pipis.
Lelaki Sial:
Lagi pipis, kepingin kentut yang keluar BAB…
Lelaki Boros:
Minum sedikit, pipisnya banyak.
Lelaki Bisnis:
Pipisnya bisa dijual.
Lelaki Hobi Berkebun:
Pipisnya di kebun, biar subur katanya.
Lelaki Petualang:
Pipis pagi di bogor, pipis siang di Jakarta, pipis malam di Bandung.
Lelaki Pemimpi:
Mimpi pingin pipis, dan dikeluarin di tempat tidur.
lelaki seniman:
kencingnya pake diukir
lelaki pencinta sejati:
kencing dipantai tulis nama pacarnya..
Senin, 17 November 2008
Profil Seseorang Bisa Dilihat Dari Kentutnya..
ini penting sekali harap di perhatikanKlasifikasi Orang Berdasarkan kentut
Orang yang kalau kentut nyalahin orang lain
Orang yang menahan kentutnya ber jam-jam
Orang yang tahu kapan harus kentut
Orang yang mau kentut tapi nggak bisa
Orang yang kalo kentut, orang laen nggak tau
Orang yang tiba tiba menahan kentut nya saat kentut
Orang yang ngira kalo kentutnya wangi
Orang yang kalo abis kentut, kentutnya di kibaskan ke orang laen.
Orang yang kalo kentut nggak bunyi, tapi malu sendiri
Orang yang menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan tertawa terbahak-bahak
Orang yang habis kentut, menghirup nafas untuk mengganti kentutnya yang keluar
Orang yang kalo kentut dikit-dikit
Orang yang sering mencium kentutnya sendiri
Orang yang senang mencium kentut orang lain
Orang yang kalo kentut sembunyi
Orang yang suka kentut di dalam air
Orang yang kalo kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalam
Orang yang ngaku kalo habis kentut
Orang yang bisa menandakan bau kentut orang lain
Orang lain yang kentut tapi selalu dia yang kena
Orang yang kentutnya berirama dangdut
Orang yang bunyi kentutnya seperti bunyi modem
Orang yang kentutnya disertai ee'
Orang yang kentut sambil ngupil
Orang yang langsung membalas setelah di kentuti kerabat
Orang yang sehabis kentut lalu memasang muka imut
Orang yang mengentuti orang lain tepat di mukanya